
A Book Mentor May be just What You Are Looking for!

Have you ever had a Book Mentor?

I have!

Books can be the best way to receive the coaching and guidance we crave!

Here are a few of my favorites…

Want to Improve Your Professional Brand? Start with Your Wardrobe!

Our professional brand is created with everything we do, say, and wear.

What we wear matters.

A lot.

Stay away from these brand damaging choices…

Vacation is… A Leadership Lesson?

Ahhhhh… vacation… 

Time to Rest, Relax, and Rejuvenate.

And Build Trust… What? Wait… Really?

Yes. Especially when you are a leader…

Coach? Mentor? Sponsor? Who Do You Need on Your Support Team?

Mentors! and Coaches! and Sponsors!


I’m a big fan of assembling the right team. This holds true whether you’re fixing the brakes on your car or taking the next step up the corporate ladder.

If you’re thinking… “I wish there was an easy way to figure out which of these support people I need”… I’ve got great news! There is!

Want to Change Your Boss? Here's what to do...

One of the most common questions I hear during mentoring sessions is some version of “How can I change the way my boss…

  • Talks to me”

  • Listens to my ideas”

  • Gives me feedback”

And the list goes on…

Interrupting the Interrupter. Yes, There is a Better Way!!

Ugh!!! There you are… explaining your AWESOME idea, and that’s when it happens. 

It’s no fun being interrupted. So what’s a person to do?

UGH! Answering the Dreaded Difficult Question...

As our minds begin to swirl with our own questions about the reason for the inquiry, we start talking… and then back tracking… and the talking some more…

And that’s when we get into trouble.

YES!! It's time to stop saying "no"!

Yep, we say “no” far more than we realize. Sometimes it's direct, most of the time it sounds like “I’m not ready to…”, “I wish…”, or “When I’ve…”

Here's why it's time to Stop Saying "no"!!...

The Power of AND!

And, when we replace the words “but” or “however” with “and”… something magical happens. People become less defensive, resistant, and frustrated.

Is Your Cell Phone Damaging Your Career?

In this rushed and hyper-connected world we live in, one of the biggest compliments you can give someone is to engage in the moment.

The impulse to check things off of the “to do” list, answer an email, respond to a question quickly, or yes… check Facebook often moves us away from connection.

Here’s what to do instead…