Inner Critic

Finally!! A Troll Noticed Me!!!

A troll commented on my LinkedIn post last week.

And… I was so excited that I shouted out loud, did a little dance, and sent out vibrations for more trolls to find me!!!

Now… before you go thinking I’ve jumped off the deep end… consider this…

I'm not Lucky... and Neither are YOU!!!

Careers are developed through hard work, perseverance, dedication, and good decisions.

Not Luck.

Here’s why it’s never a good idea to frame your career success as “lucky”, and what to say instead…

Women Think Too Much! Think I'm Wrong?

Women think too much.

WAY too much!

 Ruminating is absolutely exhausting, and completely avoidable.

 Stop doing these 5 things to break free of overthinking…

Avoiding the "Weekend Freak Out"!!!

The “Weekend Freak Out”…

That panicky feeling when we realize that we only have 48 hours to knock out everything on our “to do” list.

The result?

No rest. No fun. Constantly rushing from one activity to the next.

There’s a better way…

The Magic of Meditation...

There’s a part of me that can’t believe I’m writing this blog.

A year ago, I thought meditation was interesting. For other people.

If you’re sitting on the “that’s interesting” side of the fence when it comes to meditation, read on…

Is Your Inner Critic Designing Your Future?

We’ve all got one! That critical voice inside our head that runs a constant commentary about everything we do, say, or dare to dream.

Quieting that less than helpful voice will create a path for you to do more brave things, dream bigger, and experience more joy in your life.

Don’t let your inner critic create your future!

My Journey to the TED Stage! (almost...)

When we take actions that create a path for our dreams to follow, it’s like the dream takes a deep sigh of relief and says, “Finally! I’ve been waiting for you to let me in”

The reward for our bravery? We get to watch our big dreams come true!

Feeling Stuck? Break out the Crayons!!!

Do you remember the feeling of a crisp new coloring book, and cracking open a fresh box of crayons?


Here’s what started my journey back into creativity…

YES!! It's time to stop saying "no"!

Yep, we say “no” far more than we realize. Sometimes it's direct, most of the time it sounds like “I’m not ready to…”, “I wish…”, or “When I’ve…”

Here's why it's time to Stop Saying "no"!!...