The Professional Woman's Mentor

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The Power of AND!

And is such an underrated, ignored, and misunderstood word. Many of us were even taught to never start a sentence with “And”, it simply wasn’t worthy. <Sigh> 

And yet… this single word is oh so powerful… here’s why I’m a fan of “And”.

It evokes:

  • Inclusion

  • Collaboration

  • Growth

  • Listening

  • Sharing

  • Trust

And, when we replace the words “but” or “however” with “and”… something magical happens. People become less defensive, resistant, and frustrated. There is a HUGE difference between saying:

“I understand your point Sally, but I don’t think the team has the resources to create the product.”


“I understand your point Sally, and I don’t think the team has the resources to create the product.”

Can you feel the difference? I’m pretty sure Sally’s reaction and the rest of this conversation will be much more open and solution focused when “And” is on the team.

I’m considering starting an “And Fan Club”, who’s with me?!?!?